Describe – Expanded! (Press Release)

Describe Expanded – More Cards, More Places

Rob Reinhardt, LPCS is working to meet the demands for Describe, the hot game and activity deck. Since originally publishing in 2015, there has been consistent demand for more cards, and access in other countries. Returning to Kickstarter, Reinhardt plans to meet these ever-growing demands through a second successful crowdfunding campaign.

15 May 2018 – For Immediate Release

Fuquay-Varina, NC (WEB) May 15, 2018 – Licensed Professional Counselor Rob Reinhardt is determined to help people understand each other even more! Since successfully crowdfunding the original publication of Describe in 2015, he has received a steady stream of requests to create more cards and to make it available in other countries. Now he is finally set to launch another campaign on Kickstarter to achieve both goals at once.

Describe is a deck of 104 cards that allow individuals, couples, families, and groups to explore their perspectives on themselves, relationships, work, and other topics. Through the many games and activities possible with Describe, people can better understand themselves and others. While Describe was originally developed as a counseling tool, it has since been used by families, teachers, coaches, authors, actors, RPG players, and more.

Board and card games continue to be a staple on the popular crowdfunding site, Kickstarter . While games like Exploding Kittens have raised millions ($8,782,571 to be exact) Reinhardt has a more modest goal of $5000 to make Describe Expanded a reality.

When asked why crowdfunding was necessary for this second round, Reinhardt noted, “There are significant costs involved in producing large quantities of a card game, in addition to making it available internationally. By crowdfunding, costs can be kept low and those savings passed on to the backers and future buyers.”

Reinhardt is excited not only to produce more Describe cards, but also make them available in other countries. He stated, “There were people in other countries interested in backing the original Kickstarter for Describe. I was able to ship a handful of copies to those who really wanted them, but it wasn’t financially feasible to make it widely available. Since the first printing, I’ve learned a lot. Plus, there are new resources to aid in international fulfillment, making it streamlined and affordable for small publishers. This makes it possible for us to provide Describe in other countries at an affordable price if we have a significant number of pre-orders.”

Reinhardt expects to launch Describe – Expanded on May 22nd and if it is successfully funded, expects it to be printed and delivered to backers by December. To learn more about the Describe – Extended project, visit the project page:


Or the main Describe web site:

About Rob Reinhardt:

Rob Reinhardt is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Private Practice Consultant. He is the column editor for Counseling Today Magazine, co-host of the TherapyTech with Rob and Roy podcast, author of the Guide to Choosing an EHR, and provides consulting services to mental health clinicians in private practice across North America.

Core Facts

  • Describe is a deck of 104 cards with multiple activities/games
  • Describe Extended adds over 40 new cards and make Describe available internationally
  • The deck was developed by a Licensed Professional Counselor
  • The goal of the activities/games is to increase human interaction and understanding
  • Activities work for individuals, families, and groups
  • Describe Extended launches on Kickstarter on May 22nd of 2018


“It’s been amazing to hear people’s experiences using Describe as not only a fun way to increase healthy communication, but also a creative tool. I’m excited to be able to add more cards and to share the interesting games and activities around the globe!”
– Rob Reinhardt creator of Describe


Main Press Contact
Rob Reinhardt
Rob Reinhardt, LPC, PA

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Describe – Extended Pre-Launch Page
Original Describe Kickstarter

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Rob Reinhardt, LPCS – Creator of Describe

Engage. Connect. Understand.